Friday 29 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Design: "Alan the Bunny" by Sok Song

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Sakura Blossom Lampshade

This is a prototype for a lampshade made out of simple coloured paper, but I will probably make the final piece in plain white... but first I need to find some heat proof paper!

Design: "Crease and Fold" by Sok Song

What is Charliegami?

Late 2012 I took up Origami as a new hobby after a conversation with an origami expert at a house party! Up until that moment I had been fascinated by the concept of origami and intrigued by the mathematics behind it, but never actually folded a piece of paper to resemble anything other than a paper aeroplane or a simple Christmas Santa.

A week or so later I was in Foyles and found myself drawn towards the paper craft section, and before I knew it I had a couple of origami books a big pile of square coloured paper in my flat.

So, this Blog is to become an outlet for my projects. I am still very much a novice so don't expect anything impressive... but hopefully it will form a nice log of my origami journey! I hope that over time the simple designs I am following will become a little more complex, but for now I hope you enjoy the beauty in their simplicity!

So, to get things started, here is a pink baby elephant!

Design from "Crease and Fold" by Sok Song